Hello World!
Umer Qaiser
Mr. Umer Qaiser

Methodologies & Technologies

Discover all the methodologies and technologies/stacks I use to deliver on niche utilities to large-scale projects and value-generating products.

A Turing-vetted Developer

I have been rigorously vetted for the following stacks/spaces by the Turing platform:

My Primary/Favorite Technologies:

I have the utmost interest and extensive experience (with varying degrees of extent) in the following stacks/spaces/platforms:

Stacks & Frameworks/Libraries:

MicrosoftDotNet/.NETNext/Next.js/NextJSNuxt/Nuxt.js/NuxtJSNuxt/Nuxt.js/NuxtJSReact/React.js/ReactJSVue/Vue.js/VueJSArduinoNodeMCUESP8266Raspberry PiAzureTailwindCSSTailwindCSS



Tools & IDEs:

Visual StudioVSCode / VS Code / Visual Studio CodePyCharm
  • Microsoft DotNet/.NET
  • Nuxt/Next.JS & React/Vue.JS
  • Machine Learning & Data Science/Analytics using Python and Scientific/ML/AI libraries
  • IoT (Internet-of-Things) using Arduino, NodeMCU/ESP8266, Raspberry Pi boards

My Major Interests:

  • Astronomy, Astro-Physics, Space Research
  • Mental Health based Solutions/Contributions
  • Intelligent Hardware Products using IoT/Embedded Technologies & AI Bots

The whole spectrum (overview):

I have quite a diversified and versatile skillset using the following toolsets and mindsets:
  • Project/Product/Team Management using Agile/Scrum Methodologies
  • Communications (Inter/Intra Cultural)
  • UI/UX/User Experience Management using Design Thinking
  • Learning & Development (Capacity Building)
  • Human Psychology
  • Philosophy, Ontology, Theoretical Physics
  • Writing (Content, Article/Blog, Creative, Technical)

Was I not very clear? Did I skip or forget something?
Feel free to get in touch and ask, please!

And, that's all for now, folks! For more:

Head over to my Upwork profile to see more of my portfolio. Or, visit my LinkedIn profile to get in touch and see my latest activites/endeavors.

Thanks for your time!
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